12 Ways To Conserve Water When The Supply Is Limited At Home
Cleaning dishes is a chore that uses more water than most others. It may use less water to run the dishwasher versus hand washing dishes, but it still uses an average of six gallons to run a dishwasher.
11 Moisturizing Household Products You Can Use Instead Of Lotion
Aloe vera is a medicine cabinet staple. It is one of the most popular sunburn remedies on the planet. The aloe vera plant has many uses, and one use is it helps lock moisture in your skin when you are out of lotion.
Tips To Help Make Using A Space Heater Safer
One factor that can significantly impact a space heater’s safety is the type and age of the machine. Older space heaters may not have the safeguards that modern machines have. This means they aren’t usually as safe, and accidents can happen more easily with these devices.
15 Common Items You Can Use As Fire Kindling
Newspapers are one of the most popular man-made items to use as kindling. They are also usually tossed in the recycling bin the day after they arrive. If you plan on starting a fire in the coming days, don’t toss your old newspapers.
How To Sear Meat When There’s No Grill Available
One of the best and most popular ways to sear meat without a grill is cooking it on a hot cast iron skillet. Cast iron is great at searing beef and chicken because it can get very hot and maintains heat exceptionally well.
Home Design Ideas For Empty Nesters
Parents must often prioritize their children’s hobbies and extracurricular activities over their own. That’s part of being a parent, and embracing your hobbies is part of being an empty nester. Now, you have more time and space to let your interests dictate your design choices.
What Is The Best Way To Clean Hardwood Floors?
Dish soap is one of the best household remedies for many problems, and that includes dirty hardwood floors. It’s the best way to clean hardwood floors without damaging them, especially if you use natural or mild dish soap. First, sweep or vacuum your hardwood floors to remove dust and debris before you mop them.
How To Dry Out Firewood
While there is no way to instantly dry firewood, you can at least avoid a months'-long wait if you’re careful. Keep in mind that firewood must have a moisture content below 20% when you burn it. However, you should shoot for a lower moisture percentage, which is possible by following a few steps, such as:
Do I Need A Permit To Have A Band Play In My Backyard?
Whether or not you can have a band play in your backyard depends on local ordinances where you live. Some areas require homeowners to pay for permits if they plan to have bands play in their backyard. Other areas may not have this ordinance, but you can’t simply have a band play in your backyard without doing your homework.
Can You Grow Tea Indoors?
You can grow tea at home, and it has become increasingly popular. Growing tea indoors is a great option because you can avoid some of the pitfalls of growing tea outside. For example, you may struggle to grow tea outdoors depending on where you live, like in zone 6.
11 Ways To Add Springtime Cheer To Your Home
Topping the list is getting rid of excess clutter if you want to make your home feel more like spring. Stuff tends to accumulate during the year, especially after the busy holiday season. Suddenly, you’re facing even more clutter thanks to gifts, extra holiday decorations — you name it.
The Best (And Worst) Types Of Hangers For Your Closet
While there are standard hanger dimensions, there is no universal size standard. For children’s clothing and narrow closets, you should buy narrower hangers. For large jackets, you may require hangers that can handle more weight and are wider than a typical hanger.
What You Can Use Instead Of Eggs When Baking
Apple sauce has been used as a healthy egg substitute in baking for many years. It is much lower in cholesterol and fat, and it is also animal-free. Apple sauce has pectin and lots of sugar, which help to bind ingredients and add flavor.
What To Do If You Find A Bat In Your House
There is no golden rule of what to do if you find a bat in your house. It can be scary, but you must remember that you aren’t in immediate danger unless the bat has a disease. All it takes is a few simple steps to contain and remove a bat from your house.
How To Stop A Pool Cover From Sagging
The best way to keep your pool cover from sagging, depends on the cause of the problem. Luckily, stopping a pool cover from sagging only takes a few steps.
How To Permanently Get Rid Of Poison Ivy
You can’t permanently get rid of poison ivy in your yard until you know where it all is. That’s because the poison ivy you see each day may not be all that’s on your property. Some homeowners mistakenly smother and kill poison ivy in certain areas and miss it in other parts of their yards.